I adore simple, fast and beautiful breakfast. I love scrolling through my Instagram feed and seeing what people come up with. And this late smoothie bowl trend has really caucht my eye. I decided to blend some bluberry and banana during. the weekend and decorate with tropical fruit. Love how pretty that looked and it tasted amazing too. ALmost like I was on holiday and not in -15C and with my city fighting with terrible pollution. I just closed my eyes on my warm couch and imagined I was on some tropical beach.
The easiest recipe ever.
half cup frozen bluberries
half cup Greek yogurt
2T mango puree
fruit to decorate: I used maracuja, persimmon, kiwi and frozen raspberries
coconut flakes and chia
Blend banana, berries and yogurt in a blender, add to a bowl. Decorate with fruit, cocnut and chia. Enjoy the quickest breakfast ever 😉