As I wrote before I had my low moment with my weight recently. I’m on my third week of turning back to my good behaviour – meaning eating less, good food choices , more meals and more moving around. I cut out flour, sugar and in terms of carbs I eat mostly oats, millet and buckwheat. I cut out cheese and wine too, which makes me the saddest. My body looks a lot better than few weeks ago and I am almost half way through the magic 6 weeks of which they say is the true time to form a habit(or in my case remember how it was just two years ago). I realise the road is long, as I didn’t get that weight in weeks, it took me months. It will take months to get it off. I am well aware I will never have a body of a model, I just wish to get back to my healthy weight and more muscular body.
As promised I am posting some healthy meals. This one is gluten and dairy free, helps your body detoxify and is by all means super delicious. I love baking my veggies, they caramelise on the edges which makes them super delicious. Hope you like this one!
1 butternut squash2 medium zucchinis
6 shallots
1 medium head of garlic
olive oil
handful of sunflower seeds
4T herbs de provence
salt, pepper
1 cup dry millet
2 cups water
Preheat the oven to 190C.
Rinse millet under cold water. Put in a pan and add 2 cups of boiling waterwater. Boil on low heat with a lid on for 15-20 minutes.Turn the heat off.Leave for another 5-10 minutes under the lid.Get to your veg.
First skin the shallots and cut them into halves. Core the squash, get the seeds and strings out and cut into 1-2 cm cubes. Cut the zucchinis into half cm rounds or half moons. Crush the head of garlic so the cloves separate. Leave one layer of skin on them. Mix all the veggies together, add large sprinkle of salt, pepper, and herbs de province. Add 4T of olive oil and mix with your hands. Line baking tray with non stick paper and put all the veg on it. Bake for 40 minutes or until all is soft with caramelised edges. Add the sunflower seeds 5 minutes before baking time is over.
Mix veggies with millet,working all the olive oil and herbs into the mix, taste, add more salt or pepper if needed. Serve warm.