Welcome! I’m so happy to write this post. My personal blog I’ve been babbling about for months is alive and right before your eyes. Let me know what you think about it! I decided to call it Lazy Sunday Cooking because this is how I see my cooking- on a lazy Sunday morning, with people I love around me, eating together, trying new things, talking, cuddling and having great time. That’s my idea of a perfect family moment.
If you have time for a full story about last years of my life and how this idea grew in my head just pop in here
Last year I felt like shooting weddings became boring for me. I stopped feeling the excitement I once felt getting new assignments. I loved working with the people, but I felt like the story was so similar week after week. At the same time I felt like photographing food and gatherings and markets gave me that feeling of excitement I was longing for. I gave it a lot of thought and decided to jump off the wedding wagon and jump in on the food styling and photographing and blogging one instead. I will still shoot portraits though, I never get bored with that, maybe it’s the sentiment of how my work with photography started? Is it forever- I have no idea! Maybe I’ll go back in year if I miss it. I met so many amazing people through my wedding work- my clients, their friends, other photographers. I visited other countries and I have so many amazing memories from those trips! We’ll see what happens.
Soo. I give my new “baby” to you. I must say I’m pretty nervous. If you like it and find it interesting please tell your friends about it. One thing I learned through the years of my work- there’s nothing better than the word of mouth. And please forgive any of my English mistakes, I’m trying to do my best 🙂
So salut. Na zdrowie! To the success of the blog and many great moments together!
Dzisiaj sie napatoczylam na twoj blog… it jestem bardzo mile zaskoczona!!!. Cudowne zdjecia, zreszta jak wypada na profesionalistke!. Ja ostatnio odkrylam swiat blogow. Jest zafascynowana fotografia kulinarna i talentami ludzi. Pomimo zero umiejetnosci takze postanowilam zaczac blog. Jeszcze sie ucze jak to wszystko ustawic technicznie. Ja mieszkam w Stanach juz od dluzszego czasu ale moj pisany jezyk angielski ( a takze polski) nie jest najlepszy, wiec zdecydowalam sie na ” challenge” 🙂 Chce sie takze uczyc fotografi i przede wszystim dobrze sie bawic.. Bede sledzila twoj blog i mam nadzieje ze sie duzo naucze. PS. moja corka ma na imie Gabriella ( wolam ja Gabrysia)
Congratulation!!!!! and LOVE your blog and your story…
Hej Joanno- witam! Ja też kiedy Gaba była mała nie umiałam nic- o blogach nikt wtedy jeszcze nie słyszał, a aparaty cyrfowe były nowością 😉 Uczyłam się pomału, ale jak widać z roku na rok baza mojej wiedzy rośnie. Czego i Tobie życzę 🙂
Well I think your new blog is beautiful!! I love the design and of course your photos are stunning.
Thanks Amanda! You know that years ago you were the one that got me hooked on child photography, so it’s so nice to hear it from you!!